Sunday, November 29, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

New Game: Simcity 4... (Not touching SimCity 2013 with a ten foot pole).

Had a choice between getting Sims 4 for $4.99 and paying an extra $1 and change. Well...went with a classic.
Yes...Agricultural workers...slave for peons.
Oh...look, I've got a jail, at least...I'm sure all the criminals are escaping too...since I got no police...

Thought Bubbles

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Few Random Pics Not Used in the Legacy

Eventually, I'll get my components together for my dream rig and be able to put my graphics settings up to full. Until then...
...and a few more pics not used...or will be used in the following part.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

I Get Interesting Townies

Melody Benavidez "OK...Melody..." ~backs away slowly~ "What's with the pipe-wrench?"
Melody: "The better to hit you with, my dear..." Gave her some makeup

Friday, November 20, 2020

Rebooting my 200+ Chapter "Selfacy".

Fiona McIrish and a young toddler Haruo
Looks like Mayor Bill landed square in the sights of Fiona McIrish's caustic pen.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Warning: Not Politically Correct - Nuking the Japanese Beetle.

Haruo is working on his "Science" skill and decides to conduct a "radiation" experiment on a Japanese Beetle
Japanese Beetle: Tasukete!!! (Help me!!!)

Friday, November 13, 2020

Nikon CC? Wishlist.

I wish my sims could have useable camera/lens cc. I used to shoot photography before I ended up with DDD (Deteriorating Disc Disease - diagnosed 2019). It would be nice to be able to shoot with some of the lenses that I used to be able to shoot with or would love to have in my camera kit bag IF I ever win the lottery.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Big Builder's Island - A Family Island.

I've turned Big Builder's Island into an island which is inhabited by members of the extended family.
A crowd at the Festival... related to each other by marriage if not by blood.

A Spotted Sixam

"Many humans...must stare at ground. Make no eye-contact..."

Did Wildlife Photography in the birds in Sims 3 fascinate me.

Poignancy in a Single Shot.