Saturday, October 7, 2023

Friday, October 6, 2023

Sims and Baroque Opera

Well…Nikkei_Simmer has gone certifiably around the bend. This is what happens when you listen to baroque opera and get weird Sims ideas.

Credete al mio Dolore from Georg Frideric Handel's opera Alcina

River McIrish (soprano) as Morgana

If River was a "vocal major" instead of a painter at university.

The two arias are one for bassvoice "Un Momento di Contento" (Sim Haruo is a tenor ~evil smirk~) - and the other is for soprano - "Credete al mio dolore" (both from GF Handel's Alcina). I think River would be more an alto judging from her speaking voice but I have heard sopranos who have rich warm alto speaking voices in my experience…so I'm making her a soprano.

~singing at the square in the middle of town in Monte Vista.

Didn't feel like making a whole classical music "concert hall" for my Sims. I'm not up to doing that right now with the constant coughing, it's sapping my energy levels. So I decided to do my whole modern-take "baroque opera" screenshots in Monte Vista.

Haruo (as Oronte) , a tenor, joins in with...his own aria... "Un Momento di Contento". These two arias with their accompanying recitatives are performed one after the other in the actual opera (Morgana sings Credete while Oronte sings Un Momento as the two characters are lovers). It fits as Haruo and River are lovers in my Sims stories so naturally if they went into the music studies in University...they'd both perform together.

I was actually a baritone (I could only dream about singing tenor - Tenors always got the best baroque arias). I was stuck singing Melisso's aria. Yeah, I'm a bit bitter about that.

...upbraiding Bradamante who's a lovelorn woman disguising herself as Ricciardo, her brother, to track down Ruggiero, the one she loves who is happily infatuated with Alcina, a witch and Morgana, her sister, who have a nasty habit of entrapping fools who venture onto their island in search of treasure (I think it was) - Alcina is a fascinating tale of cross-dressing and mistaken identities.

And the usual reaction by anyone who hears two people break into song in the middle of a crowded square. We tend to call those kinds of things flash mobs.

Poor Bebe…she thought that she was coming to Italy for a vacation. Not to hear an impromptu baroque opera concert.

If that wasn't enough, Haruo spent the next day singing to a tree...

I remember my vocal teacher telling me when she told me to learn Verdi Prati from Alcina as a vocal student. "Sing as if you are singing to a tree..." OK... Mrs. Huang-Suzuki. This is an "inside joke" from my college days.

And just in case you haven't realized just how cracked of an egg I's a werewolf singing the first stanza of "Where'er You Walk" from Georg Frideric Handel's opera "Semele"

from the days of Covid Quarantine...kinda sent me around the bend. Thank goodness I was an introvert.