Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Yes my sense of humour is warped.

Yup. HOKUSAI CLIFFS.; The game gave it to me. So I being Japanese-Canadian had to run with it. So I’m building all my utilities and waste disposal out by the mountains to better go along with that name. Yup. Hold your nose while you ski so you don’t gag. Oh wait... yeah two hand s are good on the poles. must remember yo watch for trees.

The Two Poignant Scenes from the Wedding Video

There was a reason for filming the father-daughter dance in the video. I wonder if anyone caught the reason why.

Yasunobu is not River’s father but he’s always been a father-figure to her throughout her life as she and Haruo pretty much grew up together as friends, then as a dating couple; then as engaged. Yasunobu was always there for her when her own father had disappeared off god-knows-where.

So I figured that naturally she would ask Yasunobu to be a) the one who gave her away to his son; and b) the one who did the father-daughter dance with her.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Been playing a lot of mobile games on my iStrain (iPhone) 6. And frankly it’s what’s keeping me sane while I search for work.

Work pays bills as well as spending money for stuff like groceries and being able to get a few games as well as the gaming PC that will help make life NOT a drudgery of eat-sleep-go-to-work-rinse-repeat. Sometimes you just have to spend some cash to enjoy oneself so that you don’t go stark-raving, foaming-at-the-mouth insane. Life is too short and if you don’t ascribe to the whole afterlife jazz, it’s even shorter.

So fuck it...I’m going to have fun while living this life. When I’m not working it’s my playtime. I believe in you’re not old till you think you’re old. Singing Monsters, Sims Freeplay and SimCity BuildIt it is. And what’s even better; no-one telling me to “GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!” ~middle finger~ I’m 50...go deal!

...and of course Sims 3 and Cities Skylines after I get my PC back in action which I hope I’ll be able to do shortly. And hopefully that PC’s APU can hold tight till I get enough money together for a gaming system with a kickass dedicated either AMD RX#### or an nVidia GTX-#### graphics card. Which will be far better than overtaxing my poor R7 Radeon Integrated graphics chip. Yes I know I’m a horrible human being and should be petrified of the eventual robot takeover of humankind. The way I abused my computers, would put me first inline for termination by our robot overlords. And I know it’s that goddamn microwave that’s gonna rat me out too.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Exploring the Sims Freeplay

Getting my fix of The Sims with Sims Freeplay. It’s a free mobile game so I don’t bother wasting money on cash in game. It’s fun to a point but despite using Sims 3 music; doesn’t come close to the happiness that The Sims 3 gives me. This one is just a “do a couple things and sit n’wait for tasks to complete”. Which are pretty much standard modus operandi for mobile games. The Sims in Freeplay are just blockier versions of Sims 4 sims with the silly inanity that typifies Sims 4. And is amusing up to a certain point but repeated applications of a fart joke does not a relationship make. Just have to deal with the rampant silliness.

Well since I am only in my first few hours playing this game it appears as though I will reserve judgement until I’ve played this more extensively. But I feel this is just Sims 4 Lite and not much to write home about.

At least with the update my old eyes can actually see the damned menu system and not the mini popups that they had pre-latest update which practically gave me eyestrain playing this on an iPhone or should I call it iStrain.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Some more SimCity Buildit

managed to work my way out of a bind in SimCity Buildit. I was down to two digits in Simoleons; well managed to work my way back into positive cash flow. Now I’m flooding the market with chairs. I’m selling them singly as that seems to get me the quickest sale.

Oh, Look... My Houses are on Fire 🔥

Normally, I’d be in a panic about this...but, hey, Wellbutrin and I’m a seriously twisted bastard. I’m giggling my head off.

Yeah, Probably should see my doctor about that.

SimCity Builit -Current Pics

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Have to Rebuild My City from Scratch in SimCity Buildit

When I lost my SimCity Buildit on my 1st Gen iPad, I lost a huge developed city and now I guess I have to start all over again to tell you the truth it frags my ass to have to do it, but it is a fun game. And this time I want to build it right. I’m keeping my residential areas away from my industrial sectors.

I’m also planning to add i plenty of parks so that there is always green space for my sims to feel happy.

it’s starting out OK. I’d say. Asides from a little stumble at the beginning in placing my buildings and where ai was going to place my industrial section. I’m going to build up my condos and high-rises first to make sure i have a proper city centre done up.

Night-time is really pretty but this is a small town. I had so much unlocked in my last city, double lane roads highways the whole shebang, the airport and now... back to square one again. But hey... at least I get to see how well I can build this city this time.

I appear to be getting kudos from my citizens since I’m being compared to a eagle instead of a peacock. I guess that’s a compliment. Really, maybe I’m “killin’ it” instead of being “flamboyant and useless”. Yeah still wish I had my airport back.

I guess you could say some of my citizens think heavy thoughts. Woah...I never thought of it that way. “That is so weird, man.”

At least its starting to come along and I think I could be happy with the result as I go along.

“Hokuso Fields” yeah it stinks. The Industrial Park is right at the entrance. Smell the stench on the way in.

Monday, January 20, 2020

My Angel Here on Earth (Haruo & River’s Wedding Song)

My Angel Here On Earth (Haruo &River’s Wedding Song
Lyrics by Nikkei_Simmer

Lost alone, in an empty world,
Tryin’to find a guiding star,

Turnin’ to find nothing at all
Serenity was a step too far,

More and more kept goin’ wrong
Things never turned out right,
Batter’d through an endless storm
Tellin’ me to give up the fight,

Bridge to Chorus

But then along came you,
You lit up my path with your love,

You made it all worthwhile,
You gave me back my strength,


When did you become
My guiding light?
My shelter from the storm,

When I couldn’t see
You lifted me
Your love would keep me warm

Cause when I met you,
You made me see my worth
I love you more than life itself
You’re my Angel here on Earth.

I didn’t know how I could see
Find my strength my inspirations,
Guiding life a palette of colours,
Hope to rise above my station,

Attacked by my own insecurity,
Cast upon Doubt’s vicious sword,

A blank canvas on an empty easel
Bars of music with no chord,

But then along came you,
You lit up my path with your love,
You made it all worthwhile,
You gave me back my strength,

When did you become
My guiding light?

My shelter from the storm,

When I couldn’t see
You lifted me
Your love would keep me warm

Cause when I met you,
You made me see my worth

I love you more than life itself
You’re my Angel here on Earth.

I love you more than life itself

You’re my Angel here on Earth.