Saturday, July 31, 2021

Organizing Mods and Other Headaches.

I am at the point where I really need to look into figuring out how to organize my Mods folder. It's getting to the point where I can't even figure out what I have and where I have it. My mods and CC are in two different locations, maybe even three. Who knows? I have to establish a set routine when I download mods.

The thing is I don't want to delete the mods and start over since what I do have, I don't want to lose. I have no idea whether I can find them again since so many creators have switched to what my friends at the TMN call the Glitterturd. Yes, I have thought about getting "the Glitterturd" but thank god, I've come to my senses every time I've come close to spending the $4.99 for the game. I've even balked at downloading the game when they were offering it for free. It's time "wasted" that I can't get a refund on. And lately since I've been playing my wife's UBER (thank god for my 2014 Dodge Journey), I've not had much time to play Sims 3 either - in fact, I've also become our room-mate's Uber to get him to work (at 6AM in the morning meaning a 5:00 wake-up call). Even now, I'm sitting in the car writing JAG fanfiction or Sims 3 fanfiction going off the top of my head as to what I'm writing rather than looking at images (thank you high-school teachers - back in the Pleistocene era).

Monday, July 19, 2021


Just decided to check out Woeford using the BrntWaffles Dystopian Sky Mod.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Heatwave is over, I think I can get back to writing.

I'm seriously thinking of turning summer, spring and fall off in Lost Cove and play a winter wasteland game.

...and I can also get my second Covid Shot...