Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Creating More CC...hopefully.

One of the things that I find missing in Sims 3 is the fact that there is very few military stuff and of course, most of the demographic that plays Sims 3 is female, so they're not into military CC like I (as a straight male) tend to be.

I want to dabble in CC creation and one of the things that I want to do is to create more military CC so that the guys who play this game can do so with what they want.

One of the things that I want to create is the Drill Instructor's campaign hat and that is probably going to have to be a completely new mesh. Mainly because all Marine Corps drill sergeants wear the Marine Corps drill instructor campaign hat, which looks like this.

Then there is the customary eight-cornered utility cover that all Marine Corps members wear when they are wearing fatigues and training.

This cap is completely different from the cover that is depicted currently in the Sims 3 which is the Army style and would not fit the Marines/Navy look that I am going for in my Sims.

All the more reason for me to learn Blender and Milkshape and actually create my own CC.

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