Saturday, April 7, 2018

NERD Grumblings: Petition looking to recast Leia for Episode 9

As a long time fan of Star Wars (from 1977 to be exact), I was saddened by Carrie Fisher's death in 2016. But I'm now horrified to see after The Last Jedi's debacle that some of the fan base are thinking about recasting Leia and have circulated a petition to get Disney to do just that. I don't think that anyone other than the indomitable Carrie Fisher can play Leia and do her character justice. For me, Carrie Fisher's spirit and fiery attitude always personified Princess Leia Organa and any recast would be just a pale imitation trying to live up to the original.

In fact the petition. is circulating on Care2 petitions website. Considering the height difference between Meryl Streep and Carrie Fisher, it just wouldn't fly with most people considering just how different their facial structure is considering their age.

Luckily there's yet another petition going around that is asking Disney to NOT recast Leia and just write her out of the storyline: No CGI, No recasting, just write her out completely. the-walt-disney-company-do-not-recast-leia-organa-in-respect-of-carrie-fisher. For me any other actor to play the iconic role of Princess Leia is unthinkable.

In fact, Mark Hamill is also against the very idea. Mark Hamill Against Recasting Leia

If one really wants to get stupid, why not just piss Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans off completely and get Marina Sirtis to portray Leia. At least she has the bone structure and facial resemblance at her age to match an aged Leia - MarinaSirtisRecastforLeia Note my sarcasm. As a long-time Star Wars fan, I wouldn't want this either, but given the choice between Meryl Streep playing Leia versus Marina Sirtis, I'd rather have the latter play Leia than Meryl.

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