Friday, April 20, 2018

OC Tag Interview - Haruo Chikamori

1. What is your name?
Haruo Chikamori

2. Do you know why you were named that?
I was born at the end of spring. 

3. Single or taken?
Taken...very happily...taken...

4. Stop being a Mary Sue!
Wrong gender: add two t's and drop the e. 

5. What’s your eye color?
Brown, pitch black when ticked off - in high-school Parker Langerak learned the hard way to walk away when my eyes go black.  He was slightly obtuse.

6. How about hair color?
Black, I'm Asian.

7. Have you got any family members?
Yep. 4 kids...and a beautiful wife and a whole ton of extended family.  Can barely keep track of 'em all...and I'm kept really busy oiling the door hinges because they keep slamming the dang front door.  It's always an excursion when we go out to eat. Don't know the woman in the pink. She's not from around here.

8. Oh, how about pets?
Nope... I do hope to get a cat.  I'm a cat person, but I suspect that River, being outgoing is a dog person.  Then I'll be shoving Rover away from sniffing my family walnuts.  Darned mutts. 

9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like
Other sims calling up my wife...and bugging her for dates.  What part of "she's taken" don't you get?

10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Fishing, playing the violin and piano, gem-cutting tiberium.

11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? Physically
Wait...was someone looking?  I didn't do it, honest...

12. Ever… killed anyone before?
Me or my Watcher?  What ever are you talking about?  I never saw him or her before in my life, officer.  Nope...

13. What kind of animal are you?
You might want to ask my wife that question. 

14. Name your worst weaknesses
My Key Lime Pie

15. Do you look up to anyone at all?
I'm Asian, what do you think? I'm 5'7" I look up to everybody.  😆

16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
I have a wife, what does that tell you? 

17. Do you go to school?
Did my 12 years of servitude, got the hell out, don't intend to go back.  I know what I know and half of what I know I forgot. 

18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Married with Children... I sympathize with Al.   But really, my wife is a sweetheart, just the absolute best.

(see above picture)

19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
You mean the hordes waiting outside Divisadero?  The ones I try to use the back door to avoid?

20. What are you most afraid of?
I fear nothing.  :D ...except for rabid fanboys and fangirls.

21. What do you usually wear?
My UBC Hockey shirt and a pair of grey shorts.

22. What’s one food that tempts you?
Key Lime Pie. 

23. Am I annoying you?
Ask me that in about 20 questions.

24. Well, it’s not over!
(dryly) Yay for me...  ~sigh~

25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
Class means nothing when you're filthy rich. 

26. How many friends do you have?
The ones that are most important to me: my wife, my kids, my dad, my step-mom and the rest of my extended family.

27. What are your thoughts on pie?
" eat lots of pie.  Cherry pie...OW!"  River hits him in the back of the head.  "What?!"

28. Favorite drink?
Anything caffeinated from the coffee machine.

29. What’s your favorite place?
I like Divisadero is my second home.

30. Are you interested in anyone?
Haruo: "Just my spouse...she is all I need."
River:  "Good answer, at least you won't be sleeping on the couch tonight".
Haruo: "Yes dear..."

Kids...never tick off an Irish girl.

31. That was a stupid question.
I didn't recall asking a question.

32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? sharks, OK...maybe except for those blasted blacktips...that keep infesting my front-yard lake.  Yeah, Let's have some sharks in the front pond, it'll keep the paparazzi out.  Great idea /sarcasm/ ...and WHO PUT THE FREAKIN' CROCODILES IN THE LAKE TOO!!! /outrage/

33. What’s your type?
Redhead...and my spouse.  First name River, Last name same as mine. 

34. Any fetishes?
Next question...

35. Camping or indoors?
Camping - spring, summer, fall...  Winter, heck no...I don't particularly want to impersonate an ice-cube.

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