Saturday, July 28, 2018

What I Miss Most; and What I Haven't Been Able to Do Since Oct. 2016

Two words: Severe Pneumonia; ended up in the hospital in October of 2016. It has taken almost two years, after being hit with fluoroquinolones to kill off the infection, to be able to get back to 65% health and I still have a long way to go. I remember when it was easy to pick myself up and head out to the park or somewhere into nature and be able to shoot photography. I miss it; I really do. And the frustrating part of it is that I'm nowhere near stable on my feet (balance-wise) to be able to negotiate a rocky trail like I used to be able to. Fluoroquinolones attack the central nervous system and causes muscle damage which is what I believe led me to the situation that I'm in right now. But to tell you the truth; when the doctor told me that I'd either need to take the drug or end up "on a slab", that was the choice I had. And I'd rather be like I am now...than dead.

Playing Sims is what's saved my sanity so far and what's kept me from falling into utter despair from not being able to continue my photography career at this time. It's taken my mind off what I pine to do; which is pick up my camera and get out and shoot - mainly because I need to be much steadier on my feet when outdoors. I don't need to risk a fall; one that could leave me more incapacitated than I already am.

But yes, I long for the day that I can get back to what it is that I do; for the love of photography and that's what keeps me going day by day.

Right now, all I can do is edit past pictures I've taken and improve my post-processing skills and hope that I can get out day.

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