Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What Sort of Dump Is This Place?

"Good God, sir, couldn't we have found anything better than this dump?" Colonel Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie exclaimed as the seven former Navy and one Marine Corps officers looked towards the beaten down old shack of a house on an overgrown property with a serious amount of distaste in their expressions. This wasn't a fixer-upper. It was first on the list to be condemned and torched to the ground. Surely they could have gotten something a bit nicer for the amount of money that they had.

"It could be worse..." Harm sighed as he looked at the door while running a tired hand through his hair. He wasn't looking forward to the amount of work that needed to be done in order to bring this place up to livable standards under the National Housing Act as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Harm wasn't too sure as to what condition the home was in, whether they would have to bunk with several colonies of rats and mice.

The rest were too shocked at the condition of the house that they couldn't say anything. Fixing ths place up was going to take a mountain of work.

"At least we got it for cheap." Captain Kimber Anne Benton smiled cheerfully, "It's not like it's an entire write off." Harm was sure that Captain Benton would be exceedingly cheerful if there was an all-out nuclear attack. "It might take some effort but we can do it."

FADM Toshio "Animal" Nakamura was wondering just how far along §16500 would actually go and well; they found out that it didn't go very far at all.

Well, there was a saying in the military when you had to deal with something unpleasant.Embrace the Suck... and it certainly appeared as though this was as good a case as any to do exactly that.

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