Sunday, May 31, 2020

Who Let The Insane One Have Access to Things That Go Bang?!

He's insane...and unstable...that's a great combination.

Plumbots and Marine Life

Gunny Gyro: "You miscreants and devil-bots ready for another day in the Corps?!"

SSGT Servo: "Ready and willing, Gunny... Oorah!!! What about the rest of you, rust-buckets!"

Sgt Otis: Yes, Staff SERGEANT!"

CPL Fried Circuits: "Yes, Staff Sergeant..."


Gunny Gyro: "OK...dial that back a few decibels, CAPS...You don't need to blow out our hearing circuits."


PFC Mal "Functioning Mother" Board: "Permutation does not compute..."

SSGT Servo: "Maybe you need to get rid of some of those conflicting chips. Maybe it might help your processing power a bit more. Get with it, Marine!!!"

Gunny shakes his head, "Get a better circuitboard...Board!"

Pvt Buck I.T. Head: "Yes, Staff Sergeant...

SSGT Servo: "Pvt. Memory Chips???

SSGT Servo (again): PRIVATE CHIPS!!!!!


Pvt Memory Chips: "I think I sprained a gear...last evolution."

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Meet the US Marine Plumbots

Gunny Gyro & Sgt. Otis

This one is Private Memory Sticks...HE was built with scrounged up parts...and isn't as hirsute as the other war-plumbots. He looks like a pile of sticks, is terminally confused and well...the teens pick on him. Michael Bachelor just learned how to he likes to play mean pranks on Pte. Sticks by sticking a det pack to him and sending his arms and legs in different directions.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Love that Dystopian Sky mod.

Really gives off the "apocalyptic" vibe.

Seems like Some Simmers are Questioning Sims 4... Quora:

Warms the cockles of my little shriveled heart.

Is it just me, or is Sims 4 worse than Sims 3? The maps are smaller, there’s no easy way to place an empty lot, a lot of goodies are kinda cut.

My Answer:

No, your mind is not tricking you...

    1. The maps ARE smaller
    2. There IS NO EASY WAY to place an empty lot.
    3. A lot of goodies ARE cut out and the developers did it this way so that they could sell it all back to you.
    4. Evidently there was a half-off sale at Fisher-Price for the design rights to their trees
    5. and Tim Burton hasn’t sued yet for copyright infringement on the Joker-like idiot smiles the Sims 4 sims are using.
    6. five years in the game still feels empty
    7. and the so-called game has been giving Simmers a bonus of a game-breaking bug a pack every time a stuff pack, game pack or an expansion pack comes out. Sometimes as a bonus they even have two.
    8. And those who crowed about how smooth their game played in comparison to Sims 3 are now complaining that their Sims 4 game is so laggy now that they can’t play it.
    9. After months of Sims 4 fans dumping 💩 on Sims 3, seeing comments of complaints about the bugs and lag in Sims 4, make me grin evilly.
    10. On top of that you have loading screens out the ying-yang. Need to go across town -loading screen; need to go to the store -loading screen; need to go next door?-another fucking loading screen! I kind of preferred the 15 min loading screen at the beginning of TS3 if it meant i could stay in the goddamned game for the rest of the afternoon without being yanked out of immersion.
    11. The color palette is nauseating
    12. The cartoon sims are nauseating
    13. Every time I see the Sims 4 sims walk I keep thinking that I’m seeing a piss-poor parody of Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks.
    14. Oh, if only there were a way of making Sims 4 sims die an agonizing painful death.
    15. As far as value of each pack every thing is lacking in both content and playability although, um, there’s no lack of chairs.
    16. If i could show you just how much I couldn’t care about Sims 4,Christmas 2018’s $4.99 should tell you all you need to know. When I had the opportunity to buy Sims 4 for the cheapest it's ever been. I chose to get a 3 for 4.99 deal on Pepsi 2Ls. I got more enjoyment out of the Pepsi and got 60c back to boot
I’m hoping that EA takes this and other similar disgruntled feedback to heart and put some effort into their next Sims offering or guaranteed the next iteration will sink faster than Sims 4 and it will be the death of the Sims Franchise as a whole.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Well...the house EXPANDED...again...

Got one of my old Sims 3 games up and running...

It was a save that I had started in August just before my fan on my desktop had started doing something seriously weird which finally ended up in the computer going kerplunk...splat gonzo.

The JAG crew is back...with a cast of new characters...along with Meg and Animal.