Luckily I've learned that keeping ALL my saves is a good thing. However...the problem is that my River/Haruo Legacy Save is so clogged up that I'm going to have to figure out:
a) to clean it with Save Cleaner OR:
b) revert to a River/Haruo pre-death save which I can only hope will load up.
The latest save took two and a half hours to load up...and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to recover it since it lags so badly that it's practically unplayable. When it takes 15 minutes to get into CAS...to save each son and daughter; grand-daughter and grandson (times it by four children and ten grandchildren, plus extended family members...it might not be worth it.
What I'm going to attempt to do:
1. Fix hair from those sims who went bald; K has the tombstones of their ancestors in her
personal inventory, set up so that the entire Johansson-Chikamori family can be saved to bin.
2. Same with Brianna's family (Miyazaki-Chikamori); save them to a separate family file.
3. Same with Allan's family.
4. Same with Alanna's family.
5. Same with the Wainright-Steel family (relatives).
6. Same with "Empress of Evil" and VJ; same with Parker, Miraj and Ethan (the cops). (Who are
the sidebars in the whole murder thing).
I'm assuming that this will take at least six hours to do. So I'm going to give it a shot to make sure that I can do what I can to save this extended family...but I'm not hopeful that I'm going to be successful. I'll keep my fingers crossed but I'm not holding my breath.
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