Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bebe Does It

Bebe Does It.

"Bebe...what do you need a DNA sample of me for?" Haruo asked puzzled by the strange request.

"It's genetic research...if the werewolf genes translate into problems with either gender and right now, I've only got one set of genetic markers - female...that" Bebe said "If I can't map out the genetic sequence, I'm going to have a tough time trying to ensure that what we've been infected with won't affect us adversely."

Haruo raised an eyebrow. It didn't seem as though Bebe was telling him the entire truth of what she was planning, so he tried a shot in the dark. "Yeah, well...don't tell me that I'm going to be saying hello to a brother or anything...right?"

Bebe flinched. Yup, he got her with that one. Haruo looked at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were lonely...?" Haruo asked.

"I've had a crush on you since high-school, but you were essentially River's she had you hog-tied from the very start." Bebe replied forlornly. "And River wouldn't have liked it if I had tried to get your attention. And living under this roof. I have no choice. I'm a werewolf, just like you and her...Phil and I had to flee too, less than a week after you two left."

"I take it you're going to rapid-grow him?" Haruo looked at her curiously. " young adulthood?"

Bebe looked embarrassed, "Yeah..." she replied looking down at her feet. She felt like she was growing a genetic device to scratch a persistent itch.

"Alright..." Haruo nodded. "But don't tell River that you did this... She might not understand." He did feel weird giving his consent. It was his genetic material and essentially any clone that resulted from the science experiment that Bebe did, would essentially be a genetic copy of him. He just looked at it and resolved that instead of calling it a clone that he would call it his brother by unconventional means.

Bebe did after all seem happier when she finished with taking his DNA sample. She picked the test-tube from the emitter and smiled her crush, "thank you..." she said softly as she left the bathroom.

Haruo looked up at the eceiling rolling his eyes. Oh...the fallout from this one could be nuclear. Incidentally did giving another woman...genetic material so that she could make a clone of him...that she was going to do whatever with...constitute cheating on his own wife? Or did the fact that the clone had its own ideas of what to do with his own life...make it "not cheating?" That was going to give him a headache and a half.

This was going to be the piece de resistance of her science studies. Bebe grinned to herself as she was reminded of her successful attempt to remove her fear of technology. Now using the science station didn't trigger technophobia since she'd removed the trait thanks to the Brain Enhancement Machine. And now essentially she was making a genetic copy of Haruo.

"What'cha doin'? eh?" Phil asked, to Bebe's consternation. "You researching samples? Need another one?"

"No need. Already got one, Phil, but thanks for asking." She said briefly. Any conversation seemed to encourage him and she didn't want to encourage him any further than she did by speaking with him. "It's a complicated procedure." she informed him letting him know that she needed her full concentration on the process so that she could make the one precious sample of Haruo's DNA that she had count.

"OK..." Phil replied. "I'll see ya at lunch then?"

"Maybe..." she replied non-committally.

About half an hour later, Bebe succeeded...

...beyond her wildest dreams...

She named him Tatsuo...and she could feel the desire pooling in her. Hopefully he felt the same way about her. She wasn't disappointed.

Her crush warded off questions from River about where "his brother" had come from by saying that... "Well...he flew in from Chiba-ken" and that was that. And hopefully it would remain that way. After all...Haruo may have donated genetic material, but Tatsuo was his own person. At least Bebe would keep telling herself that.

Until she believed it as truth.

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