Sunday, November 10, 2019

It Appears that Criticism About the Glitterturd is being Silenced

Evidently it’s true that EA wants an echo chamber with their latest shimmering pile of vomitous shit that they purport to be a better Sims game than Sims 3.

If the SimGurus didn’t realize that the discussion was kept in the Sims 3 side of the forums in order to keep it from becoming a verbal battle between TS3 and TS4; then they evidently need a new prescription for their eyewear. What turned it into a nasty spitball fight was a pair of TS4 sycophants coming over and trying to instigate an argument as to why they feel that their lacking game is so much better in a successful bid to get this thread shut down.

Justifiable criticism is the obligation to speak out in the face of gross or continuous faulty treatment.

Case in point: we expected a game that exceeded the previous game in quality. We also wanted to see a game that pushed the boundaries of what programming could accomplish: break new ground.

What they gave us was a game that went backwards, stripping the game of what it used to be in the two previous iterations. Not only that they appealed to the money-grubbing execs who evidently gave orders to strip the game of any potential monetize-able assets in order to sell them back to us at a cost. In fact the outrage from the fans got so loud they had to put them back in at no cost to the fans though the glitter-turders didn’t get their toddlers, until far later, which should have been a base game included life stage in the first place.

They’ve tried to shove stuff-packs up our asses in an attempt to say “oh look see how much more content that we’re giving you though when you compare TS3’s EA store items and the glitterycrap’s stuff and game packs; the sparkle-shit’s packs woefully fall short in terms of interactive content in lieu of forcing vast quantities of sub-par decorative items saying “look at how much we’re giving you.”

But to top it all off, they are silencing those who have legitimate complaints about a lacklustre gaming experience by removing posts critical of the tactic of having TS4 shill-trolls coming into threads in the TS3 forums critical of the shining piece of snail-shit that they dare to ask for money for to instigate arguments in order to get those threads criticizing Sims 4 shut down or barring that - moving the thread to the Sims 4 thread on the pretext that “Sims 4 topics should be in the Sims 4 thread” to instigate a fight. We should be able to discuss the reasons why we dislike the other game in our own section of the forums without having shills for the other game barging in. Sims 4 fell woefully short in pleasing Sims 3 fans and the outrage at being ignored and told to go play in our sandbox if we didn’t like it; well that just cemented my resolve (at the very least) to not give EA any of my hard-earned money in terms of this pathetic excuse for a sequel.

And now, they’ve gone to the point of driving a long-time simmer off the forums by way of their censorship so that they can keep their forums a happy little echo-chamber.

Deshong04, as prickly as ever and justified in this case, practically eviscerated a Sims 4 troll who’s only reason for being in the forum was to instigate and rile up those who have a vehement and justified hatred of the way EA is shoving mediocre packs down our throats in the name of the almighty $, and promptly got censored for taking umbrage. Unfortunately I don’t have screen-caps where I growled at the troll regarding her points by which time, I had clarified my point regarding what points of the troll’s that I took exception to since she had started to address me as well. And of course my points got deleted as well by Simguru_Rtas who well promptly shut down the thread.

Oh well. I guess every section of this whole forum has to be a “Sims 4 is the best thing evar!! EA is the bestest. Everything is absolutely wonderful. The developers have our best interests at heart (and unicorns are going to fly out my ass after poking a hole in my colon).”

All I know is that if Sims 5 goes the same way as Sims 4, I’m done with EA.

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