Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What I Want to See in Sims 5

What I would love to see with Sims 5 is quite a considerable amount of change.

1. A return back to open world. The technology is there to program transitions between areas being rendered in-game whether its making cars temporarily stop at stop lights following the rules of the road while the next section loads. That kind of loading would help open world transition run smoothly. There are ways to do this without ripping players out of immersion resorting to loading screens. Find an alternative to those annoying loading screens. It’s almost 2020. Have some innovation.

2. A return of drive able cars. What’s the point of having roads without cars to drive on them.

3. CaSt I’m tired of mismatched furniture. I want to create my own style to decorate my sims’ homes.

4. CAS. If there was one thing I liked about TS4 it was the CAS interface. But I also want to see a return of sliders for fine-tuning the facial features for the finite details that you just can’t get with push-pull.

5. If you’re going to continue with the TS4 style (which I wasn’t enamoured of, I would really appreciate losing the clay “Little People” hair and making it more like the alpha hairs that some modders use.

6. I’d also prefer much more realistic trees than the “Fisher Price” trees that litter up the landscape in TS4. More higher detailed realistic trees.

7. More sports; hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer (European football), American football, maybe even rugby.

8. Maybe even consider other modes of transportation to get from world to world. Buses, airplanes, boats. And work them in as transitional screens in-game where you get a cut scene of sims frantically trying to make a flight or bus connection. Make it fun rather than watching a dam meter rolling around a plumbob.

9. Right now the Sims emotions are useless. You have a sim die; the sims are sad only for the duration of time that they’re in the room with the urn. They go out of that room and into a room with happy aura objects and they’re happy as clams again not caring that their mother, father,sister or brother may have kicked off their mortal coil. In that regards I think TS3 handled emotions better with their moodlets. After a death Sims would periodically break down in tears and left it up to the viewer to figure out what set them off. (One of my sims broke down while near a portrait of his grandmother and grandfather after their death).

10. I want to see a dynamic background that the player can interact with like Sims 3; not a painted on backdrop like TS4. With San Myshuno you got a lovely backdrop of a nice city but when you went to do anything or wanted to visit that section. Nope. Can’t do it. At least in Sims 3 you could go anywhere you wanted. My sims have explored nearly everything in Sunset Valley. I want the same functionality in Sims 5.

11. I would like to see a tool like CAW for the Sims 5. Sims 4, you are unable to develop worlds to play in or make edits to existing worlds. At least in Sims 3 when we got tired of playing in EA created worlds we could download a.user creation and go have an absolute ball in another person’s world or if we were so inclined, we could make our own. That was the flexibility of the Sims 3 that us die-hards loved. We want that ability to create our own worlds back.

12. We also want the ability for any of us to make CC not just a select few. I want the ability to create my own CC to use in my games because not many people have the same interests in CC as I do. Is someone who is interested in making clothes going to render an aircraft carrier for me to play with and place in my world? Is someone interested in cars going to want to render an F-14D Tomcat? No because they wouldn’t be interested in that sort of thing. And I’d prefer to do it myself because I have a certain standard of detail that I want my military CC to reach and its not fair to others who have no interest in the type of subjects that I want to render for my game to force them to design something that isn’t interesting to them just because I want it in my game.

13. You (EA) state that the Sims motto is “Play With Life”. But what you’ve been giving us is “Play With Life (The Way We Want You To).

I’m hoping that with Sims 5 this game can go back to being the great sandbox dollhouse game that it used to be.

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