Monday, November 4, 2019

Not Pulling Any Punches; EA!

On the serious side; those of you who say that cartoon graphics age better than realistic graphics. No game is going to sit on the shelf for twenty-five years. No game sits static without moving forward. That’s why we have game sequels to push the graphics envelope.

And computer systems will eventually age out of use due to obsolescence. Eventually one has to upgrade with a new system. No one remains stagnant and gets to stay in the running for consumer dollars.

I’m old enough that in my early teens, I was playing games that were just lines; squares and triangles and my imagination filled in the rest. If no one dared to push the graphics envelope we‘d still be playing games like Space Invaders.

Back during the early 80s I used to play Flight Simulator II.


Now recently I see the latest offering that Microsoft has put out. Flight Simulator 2020


I can’t play the game due to my system requirements for FS2020 being way beyond what my current system is capable of handling. Will I be able to play it some day. I hope so because I have to upgrade my computer or look at a whole new build of a gaming PC.

You cannot expect a gaming company to hold still in terms of pushing the envelope with graphics just because your system doesn’t meet the requirements.

If I want to be able to play Sims 5, DCS World; FS2020, or Cities Skylines, I’m going to have to work and make enough money to build the system I need in order to play it. I don’t have the luxury of going to Mom or Dad to ask “can you buy me a gaming system?” My Dad’s no longer here and Mom is in her 80s. Can’t ask my wife either; she’s got her hands full with having to meet our expenses as well and needing to get ahead in her career. And I have to weigh that want of having a gaming system with the other life expenses I have; food, rent, financial obligations; in other words, the necessities I need to stay alive that have to be met and say “well if I don’t have the system requirements, then I just can’t play the game” That’s life. It may not be something one wants to hear but sometimes you have to make tough decisions. It’s a tough life lesson: you can’t always get what you want to the exclusion of others You have to compromise and know that sometimes you have to wait to have something.

EA has to make money to keep its shareholders happy but it also has to balance that with what the consumers of its games want and a compromise has to be reached. Right now a segment of the fanbase feels like its been alienated and told to stifle their concerns about the direction in which the game is going in. There’s a yawning abyss of a divide between those who want more realism in the game and those that want more cartoony graphics. And EA needs to address those concerns before losing the market share of those who are unhappy because they feel as if there has been “no compromise”, just a feeling of being railroaded.

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