Friday, November 1, 2019

Technobuzz Hypes Glitterturd & Ponders Sims 5

The Sims 5 News, Rumors and Release Date - more up-selling on a Sims game that seems like a bare, tattered shell of what it used to be.

Many have said that the Glitterturd has been a gigantic disappointment as it has stripped the franchise of the quirky fun and has turned it into a glitter filled extravaganza aimed towards the younger consumers. Many have complained that there is no challenge in the game anymore. Expansion packs don’t have any replay value and the game has turned from a wonderful sandbox that we had with Sims 3 to a task oriented “do a) then proceed to task b).” There is no true challenge any more in the game. Most who buy the packs usually play it one or two times then it goes on the shelf to gather dust. So what exactly are we spending our money on with the Sims 4 if we aren’t getting any replay value for dollars spent and it’s a hefty amount of dollars at 39.99 for EPs, and 19.99 for game packs and stuff packs.

With the launch fiasco in 2014 with a life stage missing right out of the starting gate and the lack of swimming pools; the Glitterturd was well on the way to shooting itself, quite remarkably, in the foot and that hasn’t stopped. Instead of one torturously long loading screen to start the game; we are bombarded by a plethora of short loading screens that make it impossible to do anything of consequence within the local neighbourhood. If you want to step off your home lot -loading screen, if you want to go to a venue -another loading screen, if you want to visit your next door neighbour - need I say it again? Yes, another damned loading screen. There is no immersion into the neighbourhood. You get a sense that the only thing interesting that happens is within your four walls of your sim’s house.

And another beef I had with the Glitterturd was the artwork that they chose to use for the game. When they turned the sims into vapid Joker-smile, cartoonish, Monty-Python-Academy-of-Silly-Walks-ish caricatures, it was pretty much a stake-through-the-heart for any interest that I would have with the Sims 4.

EA has done a lot to anger fans of the franchise who loved the previous iteration; bugs though it may have had. We could immerse ourselves with sims that reacted realistically, that behaved differently according to their traits and they grew on us as players.

The only way I can see myself even attempting to play the Glitterturd is doing things to make TS4 sims’’ lives a living hell. There is no attachment to Sims 4 sims. I don’t see any reason where I would be as immersed in the game for hours as I have been with TS3 where I look up at the clock and go “oh crap, I’ve been playing for six hours?!” TS3 has contributed to my losing track of time. I doubt that the Glitterturd will ever be able to accomplish that feat. That fact is weighed by the evidence of many players playing for only 15-25 minutes at a time and any expansion pack that has come out has been a single play-through and then consignment to the bookshelf with the rest of the single play-through expansions that have littered this particular iteration.

EA has been saying that TS4 sales have been picking up; however what they fail to tell you is that most only play a few minutes to a half-hour at a time -there is little to no replay value and that they have alienated most of the Sims fans who enjoyed Sims 3 failing to listen to those fans while targeting the younger market. It’s nota good business practice if while you’re trying to gain market share in the younger demographic; you piss off the demographic who is reaching prime earning potential and want to receive value for money. You can’t start pumping new markets in while your older demographic is hemorrhaging because they’re not having their voices heard with regards to the kind of Sims game they would like in the future.

EA has a long way to go in order to make up for alienating it’s prime money-paying demographic who have been shoved off to the side and told to “like it or lump it; be quiet while we get new customers who will buy into this Glitter-wrapped pile of crab-dung. At least maybe they’re to gullible to realize that we’re mailing the work in. Surely that won’t show in quality control.


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